Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The SUCK LED Mirror - with RSS feed!

Much like the Philips Homelab Mirror TV, except it's $300 not $2000, and it displays LEDs that can be programmed to web data (like say an RSS feed, or even more image-based ambient-like interfaces). There is also a programmable LED clock. On the market, cool.

Sleep Orb

Aparna Rao's My Bedtime project is aimed at underlining that each individual has a unique sleep need that is independent of social time.

A wired pillow is connected to an "alarm clock" with an Orb as it's face. The pillow senses the sleeper's movements and then the alarm rings only when the body has had enough sleep.

The alarm design is a nice mixture of old-time alarm clock and new age eyeball Orb design to show a new approach to sleeping that respects a person's sleep and biorythms. Unfortunately although our biorhythims are independent of social time, most jobs are not.

Monday, August 01, 2005

R*Emote Mirror

Color as telepresence. A wonderful emotive way of letting people in remote areas get a "feeling" for each other. r*Emote Mirror has two functions: one is a mirror, and the other is interactive color lighting.

Each person is represented by a color and their basic silhouette, so you are red and your sister in Seoul is in blue. You glance at the mirror and see blue, she's there. If you walk nearby and both colors are there, the overlapping portions are purple. If you are both in front of each mirror, the overlapping of color will hopefully evoke feeling of togetherness.

from: we make money not art